Chronic prostatitis

The chronic inflammation of the prostate gland affects nearly 30% of men ages 20 to 50 years. It is one of the more common among men of urological diseases.

Due to the inflammation of the prostatitis is divided into two groups. The first group includes infectious prostatitis, which can be caused by different bacteria, viruses or fungal diseases.

Chronic prostatitis

The second group includes the so-called stagnant (congestive), prostatitis, the cause of which are the stagnation of liquids (secret) of the prostate and of the blood in the veins of this organ. The development of these symptoms appear, for example, when an irregular sexual life. Venous stasis can produce long-lerdo work in a sitting position (for example, drivers of vehicles, of the non-manual workers), when used close of the underwear, as well as the abuse of alcohol.

The factors development of prostatitis

In addition, factors that may predispose to prostatitis, are: decrease of the body's defenses, hormonal disorders, unhealed foci of infection, of which the germs penetrate the prostate gland and contribute to the development of inflammation.

The risk of prostatitis as a result of the reduction of the immunity over the sickly of the people, in the background, nervous overload, chronic stress, tobacco and alcohol. All these factors or facilitate the penetration of the infection in the prostate gland, or lead to a deterioration in the vascularity of the pelvic organs, stagnant processes, which contributes to the proliferation of microorganisms and the development of the inflammatory process.

What happens?

Often the prostatitis develops in the chronic form, over a period of several years, do not cause special concern. With this, you may experience severe pain, discomfort in the crotch of the viewer in the sacrum, genitals, or rectum. Periodically we observe an increase in the frequency, the painful, sometimes, difficulty to urinate, reduced secretion of the urethra.

Unfortunately, the majority of men at this time, do not pay attention to these symptoms, and in vain. The danger of the chronic prostatitis in the fact that its distribution by the urinary system, can lead to the development of cystitis and pyelonephritis.

In addition, the complications of prostatitis are vesiculitis — inflammation of the seed of bubbles, and orchiepididymitis — inflammation of the testicles and their appendages, and this, ultimately, can lead a man to infertility. In addition, the inflammatory processes of the prostate gland in the future, could be the cause of the development of the adenoma of the prostate or prostate cancer.

After a while, prostatitis cause erection problems. This is due to the participation in the inflammation process of the nerves responsible for erectile function, which pass through the prostate gland.

Diagnosis and treatment of the

So, if you have any of the symptoms listed, don't think a lot of time, do not run the illness — go to a urologist or andrologist. The doctor may pass the initial evaluation, which includes the analysis of genital infections and pelvic ultrasound and prostate, and will perform a digital rectal exam of the prostate. Having fear is not necessary: the experienced doctor doesn't cause pain. It is a study very informative. Allows you to specify the diagnosis and the degree of severity of the disease. Palpating the gland (through the anus), the doctor not only looks at what has happened to him, but receives a sample of his secret. Before you begin the treatment in the laboratory is carried out the planting bacteriolgica of the secretion of the prostate for the definition of the sensitivity of your microflora to different antimicrobials. Without this treatment will not be effective, and may lead not to the liberation of the disease, and its transition to a new, more serious.

The drug therapy to the prostate is complemented with a massage of the prostate, reduces the stagnant phenomena, improving blood flow and the evacuation of the secretion of the gland. Unfortunately, modern medicine still can not solve the problem of a final cure of the prostatitis. The doctor capable of carrying the disease until the phase of remission (absence of symptoms) in two-three years. After which the treatment will have to repeat.

The prevention of the

It is always much easier to warn illness, than to cure. Therefore, try to comply with simple measures of prevention, able to protect him from all the "charms" of prostatitis. Forgo the fashion, forcing keep walking in the adjustments to pressure and with a bathing suit. Free cotton panties more hygienic and will not impede the normal flow in the prostate.

In addition, avoid hypothermia, move more and, if there is no possibility of having regular sex, take care of masturbation, according to the opinion of doctors is that of purification, and self-massage, and prevention of prostatitis.